Our Classes
HIIT Strong: In this class, you will experience all different types of strength training (e.g., drop sets, rest-pause intervals, AMRAPs, EMOMs, tempo work, supersets, and so much more). Ample modifications will be provided so that all levels feel comfortable.
HIIT Pro: In a HIIT Pro class you will build on a plan week after week. While the moves may remain the same (or similar), variables such as reps, weight, or tempo will change along the way so that you can see (and feel) your strength gains throughout the month. A HIIT Pro class will be focused on stations versus a HIIT Strength class that will be more circuit-focused.
HIIT Fit: This class offers a nice blend of strength and conditioning. You will experience a solid muscle burn with some serious heart pumping. Ample modifications will be provided so that participants of all levels can participate.
HIIT Open: This 50-minute time slot in the gym is designed to help you hone your skills. You can do your desired workout, the programmed workout of the day, or drop in to get some technique advice. All levels are welcome as this hour is very hands-on and designed to meet you where you are on any given day.